5 Amazing Benefits Of High Protein Low Carb Diet

Did you know that you could use a high protein and low carb diet to either lose pounds or maintain a healthy weight? Foods that are a part of this diet are excellent as they help in giving your body energy as well as satisfy your appetite. They also ensure that you have a healthy, well-balanced diet.
So to say, this diet gives you the required nutrition and also helps you lose weight. Would you like to know more? Keep reading!

Examples Of High Protein Low Carb Foods?

It is highly likely that you eat high protein low carb foods every day and that many of them might even be your favorites. As the name suggests, these foods are rich in protein but low in carbohydrates. Here is a brief look at some of the popular foods that fall under this diet:

1. Meat And Fish:

If meat and fish are a part of your diet, the ones that are high in protein and low in carbs are turkey and chicken breast, lamb, pork tenderloin, minced beef, steak, prawns, crab, tuna, salmon, etc. These are just a few of the foods that fall under this food group. And guess what? These are actually good for you!

2. Other Foods:

You will be delighted to know that foods like peanut butter, cheese, walnuts, almonds, eggs, etc. are all a part of the high protein low carb food group. They are delicious and nutritious. If you do not eat meat, tofu is a great substitute.
As you can see, going on a high protein and low carb diet does not mean that you have to suffer by eating tasteless foods. You can have meals that are full of flavor and fill your stomach without having to overeat.

How Does A High Protein And Low Carb Diet Benefit The Body?

Making foods that are protein rich and low in carbs a part of your daily diet can do wonders for your body and health. Here are some of the important reasons why you should eat low carb and high protein foods:
  1. Eating foods that are rich in protein helps in repairing and building muscles (1).
  2. Protein-rich foods provide energy that lasts.
  3. Eating low carb foods stops the body from relying on carbs for energy, and instead, forces the body to use and burn any excess reserves of fats (2).
  4. Eating a high protein and high carb diet may result in weight gain (3). This depends largely on the rest of the foods that make up a part of your diet.
  5. Eating foods that are low in both protein and carbs will not give you the energy that foods rich in protein do. You will also not gain any of the muscle repair and growth that protein-rich foods provide.
Everyone can benefit from all the goodness that a high protein and low carb diet has to offer. However, it is especially beneficial for people who require a weight loss diet that still gives them the balanced nutrition that the body needs as well as for those who want to maintain a healthy weight.

Is Low Carb Better Than No Carb?

Yes, you should definitely remember that having carbohydrates is better than not having any at all. After all, they are an essential part of a healthy diet. You may have read about numerous diets that eliminate carbs in all their forms and about other diets that recommend reducing them to such low levels that it becomes dangerous(4). It is important for you to remember that these foods play a role in maintaining optimal health and we require them. Whole-grain carbs are important as they give your body essential nutrients like Vitamin B (5). If you lower your carb intake way too much, there is a high risk of vitamin deficiencies, which in turn can cause serious illnesses.
To make sure that you get enough carbohydrates in your diet without overconsuming them, reduce the size of the portions that you consume. A high protein and low carb diet is an option that is very healthy, provided your body is getting enough carbs to gain the nutrients it needs and stay fueled. If you are planning to lower your carb intake, make sure to consult a dietician so that your energy requirements can be properly determined (6). You can also find out how low you can reduce your carb intake.

Points To Remember:

When you are on a high protein low carb diet, there are certain points that you should keep in mind, including the following:
  1. Always make sure that your protein is obtained from healthy sources.
  2. Do not completely keep carbs away from your diet.
  3. Always opt for protein sources that are not high in saturated fat.
  4. Always ensure that fresh fruits and vegetables are also a part of your meals so that your high protein and low carb diet is well-balanced.
  5. Avoid carb-rich veggies like potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, beets as well as corn.
  6. If you are going low on carbs, make sure you get enough high fiber foods like brown bread, whole wheat pasta, whole grain bread, etc.
Instead of trying out different diet fads that come and go, opt for a high protein and low carb diet and gain the benefits it provides. This diet allows you to lose weight healthily as your body still gets the essential nutrients that it needs to function properly from the foods that you eat. The best thing about the high protein and low carb diet is that you do not have to miss out on eating delicious foods that you love!
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