20 Best Fruits High In Fiber

Did you know that a high-fiber diet can keep serious illnesses like heart disease and cancer away? Fiber plays an important role in maintaining a healthy diet as well as lifestyle. And so, including fiber in your diet is important.
On that note, there are a number of fruits that are rich in fiber. You can include them in your meals and gain benefits.
Would you like to know more about fiber and the fruits that are rich in it? Keep reading!

Importance Of Fiber:

A fiber diet means your colon gets thoroughly cleansed, and your digestive system functions properly at all times. In short, following a fiber-rich diet will help you stay healthy.
Fruits are the best way to get the fiber you need. They are delicious and give you all the essential nutrients that you need to maintain a healthy body. There are plenty of fruits that are rich in fiber and other nutrients that your body requires. Apart from giving your bowel many benefits, high-fiber fruits, and other foods, help in reducing the risk of heart disease, hypertension, and stroke.
According to research, soluble and insoluble fiber can lower the risk of breast cancer, especially in women who consume more than 30 grams of it every day (1). Another study also found that women who took in 38 to 77 grams of fiber daily lowered their risk of developing ovarian cancer more than 20 percent compared to those who ate a diet low in fiber (2).
Here is a list of the twenty fruits that can give you all the fiber that you need to keep your bowel movements regular and protect you against various health conditions:

1. Apples:

An apple a day keeps the doctor away – this saying could not be any truer. Eating an apple daily gives you many benefits including giving you the fiber you need. A medium-sized apple has fiber content of approximately 17 percent of the daily recommended value. Also, the high content of water in apples plays a role in aiding the fiber do its job of keeping your bowel movements smooth and regular.

2. Figs:

When you think of fruits, figs are not the first to pop into your head but they are one of the best when it comes to fiber content. Moderate intake of dried figs can help in keeping you regular and prevent constipation. They make a super-healthy snack when you are on the go, and you can use them as an ingredient in many sweet but healthy treats.

3. Prunes:

If you are not a fan of this fruit, it may be time to reconsider. You get about 3.6 grams of dietary fiber from prunes, which is approximately 14 percent of the recommended daily amount. By including this fruit in your diet, you gain relief from constipation and all the uncomfortable symptoms that follow it such as loss of appetite, cramps and bloating (3).

4. Apple Pears:

Also known as Asian pears, this fruit is highly nutrient-rich. It gives your body both soluble and insoluble fiber. Apple pears give you more than 4 grams of fiber, which is about 18 percent of the daily recommended amount. You can incorporate them into salads or slice them like apples to enjoy the delicious taste and gain all the benefits they offer.

5. Raspberries:

This amazing fruit is rich in vital nutrients and is low in calories. Moderate intake of this deliciously sweet fruit in your diet can give you many benefits, including providing your body with the much-needed fiber. A one-cup serving gives you about 30 percent of the daily recommended fiber requirement. To make sure that you get your one-cup serving every day, enjoy raspberries with yogurt or oatmeal at breakfast, or as a yummy salad at lunch or as an after-dinner sweet treat.

6. Blackberries:

This fruit is another wonderful source of fiber and other essential nutrients. A one-cup serving of blackberries gives you about 8 grams of fiber. This tasty fruit can be incorporated into your diet in many ways, like raspberries. Moderate intake of blackberries will give you the fiber that your body needs to keep you regular and benefit you in many other ways as well.

7. Pears:

You cannot dislike pears, especially when they are so full of goodness. Like apples, eating them raw is a great way to gain all the different nutrients they have, but you can also use them in various recipes with meats like pork and other fruits in salads. A medium-sized raw pear will give you about 5.5 grams of fiber.

8. Strawberries:

Like the other berries mentioned earlier, strawberries too are a good source of dietary fiber (4). They are delicious and can be used in a wide variety of ways in your daily diet. A one-cup serving of raw strawberries will give you about 3.3 grams of fiber. Add them to salads or yogurt as a way to gain all its wonderful health benefits.

9. Avocado:

When you think of this fruit, the first thing that comes to mind is probably its high content of monounsaturated fats. But did you know that avocadoes can give you the beneficial fiber that your body needs every day? Apart from this nutrient, you also get good amounts of Vitamin B6, Vitamin K, potassium, and folate. You get about 6.5 grams of fiber with every serving of half an avocado.

10. Dates:

If you do not have high blood sugar, dates are a great way to get your daily dose of dietary fiber (5). Apart from fiber, they also have a high potassium content that is great for you. You can make many delicious treats with this awesome fruit. A ½ cup serving of dates will give you about 6 grams of dietary fiber.

11. Frozen Cherries:

When summer is here, fresh cherries are the fruit to have, but when the season passes, frozen ones are a superb alternative. What is great about frozen cherries is that they come already pitted for your convenience and are loaded with fiber, antioxidants and potassium. You can use them in smoothies or make a sauce to give your pancakes, yogurt or oatmeal a sweet twist. With a one-cup serving of frozen cherries, you get about 5 grams of fiber.

12. Kumquats:

This delicious fruit is a wonderful source of dietary fiber. Since kumquats do not have to be peeled, you can pop them into your mouth as a pep-me-up snack while you are on the go. It is the skin that gives you the fiber you need. You can add them to salads, oatmeal or yogurt; they make almost anything extra-yummy. With a serving of 5 kumquats, you get about 5 grams of fiber.

13. Mango:

This fruit is definitely one of the most delicious fruits in the world. What is even better about it is that it contains a good amount of fiber. You can enjoy it alone or as part of a super-healthy salad. You can also use mangoes in your smoothie. This is a fruit that you definitely need to add to your diet. A medium-sized mango has fiber content of about 3.3 grams.

14. Bananas:

This nutritious fruit is packed with goodness. It is also a good source of dietary fiber. Eating a banana every day will help in keeping you regular and also provide you with vitamins and minerals. Apart from eating it on its own, you can make a yummy smoothie for breakfast or add it to baked goods like cakes, breads, etc. This fruit will give you 10 to 19 percent of the recommended daily amount of fiber.

15. Kiwis:

Who does not love this awesomely yummy fruit? Now you will love it even more as it comes packed with loads of goodness. Kiwis are a great source of Vitamin C and you also get good amounts of dietary fiber, Vitamin E and potassium from it. This fruit too gives you between 10 to 19 percent of the amount of fiber you need every day.

16. Guavas:

Rich in nutrients like folate, potassium, Vitamin A and C, guavas are a terrific fruit to add to your diet. This is especially true when you want to get the fiber you need to stay regular and keep your body healthy and strong. This is definitely a fruit that you should have around to snack on (6).

17. Dried Plums:

If you are a fan of dried plums, you will be happy to know that they are a good source of dietary fiber. They also contain Vitamin A. Make them a part of the foods you eat to gain fiber. They make great lip-smacking treats any time of the day. Load up on dried plums if you have not already!

18. Raisins:

Another tasty way to get the fiber that your body needs every day is to eat more raisins. They may be small, but they are quite a good source of dietary fiber (7). You can just pop them in your mouth anytime! A serving of 2 tablespoons gives you 1 gram of fiber.

19. Grapefruit:

This fruit looks, smells and tastes amazing. The best part is that it is another good source of dietary fiber, so you have an excuse to eat more of it! Eating it raw is the best way to enjoy this fruit and get the fiber you need. A serving of ½ cup sections of grapefruit will give you about 1.5 grams of this nutrient. Next time you are at the market, make sure you do not walk by this fruit without picking it up.

20. Oranges:

You already know that oranges are a terrific source of Vitamin C, but did you know that they also contain a good amount of dietary fiber (8)? These juice fruits are another way to get the fiber your body needs. Fresh juice, with all the pulp this tasty fruit has, is a great way to start the day and also get some fiber. Make sure that you always have oranges in your fridge for everyone at home.

Tips To Add Fiber To Your Meals:

Fruits are an excellent source of insoluble fiber and should be given great importance when you want to increase your intake of dietary fiber. They are also rich in other essential nutrients that your body needs. Apart from fruits, there are other little ways to sneak in a little fiber to any meal. These include:
  • Use chia seeds to thicken smoothies, make puddings that are healthy, or that replaces eggs in cookies, cakes, etc. You get 5.5 grams of fiber with every tablespoon of this amazing food!
  • Add flaxseed meal to smoothies, yogurt, oats and baked treats. You can even add bread fish and chicken with it. With a 2 tablespoon serving, you get 3.8 grams of fiber as well as the highly important omega-3 fatty acids!
  • Puree high-fiber veggies and add them to stews and sauces. This is one of the best ways to get the much-needed fiber into your daily diet. You can also make delicious cold soups during the summer, not to mention salads, which is a dish that you can add almost anything into!
Many people across the world do not get the fiber that they need to stay healthy, boost the function of certain systems in the body and prevent various illnesses. It is important to realize that getting this nutrient is not at all difficult; and definitely not when there are so many wonderful options all around you. Apart from veggies, legumes and grains, fruits are an awesome source of dietary fiber. What is great about them is that you do not need to cook them; just pick one or a few up and munch anytime as you go about your day!
If you need to get more fiber in your diet, load up on fruits, both fresh and dried. They will definitely help in increasing your intake of dietary fiber and give you many other health benefits that will ensure that you stay fit and strong always.
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