3 Day Juice Diet Detox To Cleanse Your System

Do you often feel tired and stressed out? Do you sometimes feel enervated even during the early mornings? Then you should probably try the 3-day juice diet detox, which can cleanse your body from within and give you a long-lasting dose of energy and vitality!
The 3-day juice diet detox is a kind of detox diet that cleans the stomach and colon of all toxins. It is best done by eating only raw veggies and drinking plenty of water and fruit juice. Since you are on a restricted diet and avoid eating solids, your extent of detoxification is said to be perfect.
Want to know more about this effective method of getting healthier? Then go ahead and give a read!

Benefits Of 3-Day Juice Diet Detox:

The first benefit of a juice diet detox is that it helps one get rid of the toxins in the body. By getting rid of these toxins, your immune system receives a boost, and your energy levels rise since a fruit juice contains minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and enzymes. It is also easier to digest liquids rather than solids, enabling the energy in the body to focus on getting rid of body toxins and waste.


You should only do a diet detox if you are in good health. You may, however, drink lime juice, fruit smoothies or eat bananas through the day to relieve you of hunger pangs.

Technique Of The 3-Day Diet Detox:

1. How To Prepare For The Juice Diet Detox:

You’re better advised not to go headlong into this detox program as you need to know how your  body reacts to it or if it has any side-effects.
In order to prevent food cravings, headaches or any other manifestations of withdrawal symptoms, make sure you stay away from sugar, meat, coffee, alcohol, wheat and dairy products during this three-day plan. While you knock these out of your diet, increase your intake of veggies.

2. Starting The 3-Day Diet Detox:

During the actual fasting days, you should drink a maximum of three liters of juice, with 50% of the juice being extracted from veggies. Since veggies are abundant in chlorophyll, they aid cleansing and healing the digestive organs.
On each of the three fasting days, the following should be your diet:
  1. Wake up to a cup of tepid water and lemon.
  2. For breakfast, drink a glass of almond milk or green vegetable juice. You can also drink some carrot juice if you wish. Remember to drink a glass of tepid water between two glasses of juice to stimulate your bowel movements.
  3. For lunch, drink pineapple juice as it is a powerhouse of Vitamins B1 and C. Of course, if you don’t like pineapple, you can switch it with any other fruit that you like. You may also like to have a mixed fruit and vegetable juice, such as apple, celery, beetroot and spinach.
  4. For dinner, go with celery, tomato, and lettuce. Celery builds blood cells and is rich in iron, magnesium, and chlorophyll.

3. What To Do With Your Juice Detox:

A juice diet doesn’t involve just drinking juices to cleanse your digestive organs. You need to complement it with the following:

1. Exercise:

Do mild exercises like walking, massage and yoga to increase circulation of the lymph and blood.

2. Stimulate Your Bowel Movements:

During a cleanse, the toxins lodged in the body are stimulated to leave the body or they might be absorbed back into the system. You could opt for an enema when you get on to this program, or you could take laxatives or drink a lot of water.

3. Rest And Relax:

When you’re on this diet, remember to de-stress and relax as stress can affect detoxification. Meditate, do breathing exercises or listen to music and sleep early.
A 3-day juice diet detox is an excellent idea for cleansing the body and promoting good health. It’s well worth a try for the many benefits it offers you. Have you tried a juice detox before? How did you find it? Share with us in the comments section below!